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Our Story: A word from the creator of gLovies, Jospehine Geraci

Josephine Geraci, MMKB

Josephine Geraci tells us, "I am thrilled that gLovies have helped so many schools and families over the years. Nothing speaks louder about the appeal of gLovies than the number of repeat customers."  

My Mom Knows Best, inc

Coming up with new product ideas is the easy part, says Founder and President, Josephine Geraci. Deciding which products to actually bring to the marketplace is a different story.


In order for a product to reach the new product development stage, it must meet certain criteria. Firstly and most importantly, the product must be a solution to a problem. Secondly the product must add quality of life to all who use it and, finally, it must be fun for children.


My Mom Knows Best (MMKB) was formed in 2005 to bring time saving products to the marketplace, making life easier for moms, schools and children. Life is precious and our children are only young once. By using products created by My Mom Knows Best, parents can spend quality time having fun and creating memories with their children with less stress rather than spending time cleaning up messes and worrying about germs.


Josephine says “MMKB was founded after the first trip I took with my potty training 3 year old. I was out to lunch with my girlfriends and we were all going through the wonderful process of potty training our children. Of course, my son was the first one to say, 'potty time please!' …but little did I know how that one trip to the restroom would change my life. We entered the bathroom and before we even got to the bathroom stall, he already had both hands touching the floor. He proceeded to touch everything and I continued to say, 'Don’t Touch That!' Every mom that has ever gone into a public restroom has used those words. The next time I had to make a potty run with my son, I heard the other moms and a grandmother say, 'Don’t Touch That!' I knew I was on to something—it was not just me. I went home, took out my sewing machine and sewed a proto-type of gLovies…and that’s how the story began.”

MMKB’s future plans consist of bringing more great products to the marketplace. This is definitely a company to follow!

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